Peer-Reviewed Publications
"Reorienting Public Memory: Queer and Intersectional Multimodal Rhetorics of Public Iconography." Accepted Article. The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics. December 2024.
"Centering Voices from a Primarily Black Institution (PBI): Envisioning a Composition Program Rooted in Black Abundance." Co-authored Accepted Article Proposal with Mudiwa Pettus, Tina Iemma, and Karen Pitt. College English. Special Issue. "Heeding the Call: Insurgent Creativity, Eternal Stories, and Extending the Legacy of Critical Race Theory." Anticipated Publication Date: November 2024.
The Siren’s Children Speak: Neapolitan Rhetoric in A Multimedia Age. Palgrave MacMillan. Manuscript Under Contract. Anticipated Publication Date: December 2024.
“Language, Materiality, and Digital Neapolitanitá.” Digital Humanities Quarterly.Volume 17. Number 2. June 2023.
“Review: Decima Project.” Reviews in Digital Humanities. Volume III, Number 7. July 2022.,
“Elena Ferrante’s Fiction of Providing and Protecting.” The Routledge Companion to Literature and Class. First Edition. Routledge. September 2021. pp. 77–90.
“10 Reasons Why the Listicle is Effective for Digital Pedagogy.” Co-authored with Erica McCrystal. EDUCAUSE Review Online. July/August 2017 issue.
“Toward a Mestiza/o Consciousness: Translingualism and Working-Class Students.” Open Words: Access and English Studies Online. Pearson. March 2016.
Other Publications
"Here Comes the Sun." Feature article in Natural Living Today. August 1999.